Month: June 2012

14 June 2012

By Shakeel Ahmad / June 14, 2012 / Comments Off on 14 June 2012

Today Ed and Manuel joined myself and Paco as the mate for a day fishing on the Bertram. We saw 3 blue marlin, missed 2 on the switch,1 of which that didnt tease up. We went 2 from 3 white marlin and saw 2 more whites that didnt eat. A fun day on the water


Little black marlin season in Australia is just around the corner

By Shakeel Ahmad / June 13, 2012 / Comments Off on Little black marlin season in Australia is just around the corner

The little black marlin are showing up in good numbers already off Cairns and Townsville on the Great Barrier Reef in Australia. I will be available for charter for fun fishing, family trips and tournaments on my boat “TRADITION” Tournaments we can fish include: Cairns Bluewater August 22-25 light tackle trip from Cairns to Townsville […]