Month: March 2013

The continued wanderings of Capt Tim

By Shakeel Ahmad / March 7, 2013 / Comments Off on The continued wanderings of Capt Tim

Its has been a pretty busy couple of months, and lots of miles and countries visited for Capt Tim. I flew into Panama and got back onboard the 61′ Garlington “AMBUSH” to run the boat again for the same family as a couple of years ago when I worked for them in the Carribean. We […]


November rocks !!

By Shakeel Ahmad / March 5, 2013 / Comments Off on November rocks !!

After a few weeks of wind and big seas, it was nice to have some good weather again on the reef. Ric joined us for a week with his wife and they brought some slick calm conditions, awesome once you are out fishing, but can be a bit intimidating when you cant even see the […]