August 22 2005

Now anchored at Nara Inlet in the Whitsundays, spent 5 days in the Swains Reef system, mostly trolling for pelagics, and a bit of spearing for coral trout for dinner. Had great weather with ligth winds and flat seas for the past week, and did raise one tiny little black marlin but he disappeared before we could throw the pitch. Caught 3 nice yellowfin tuna 40-50 lbs each and a bunch of big baits for Cairns next month. Off to Cape Bowling Green in the morning, about 90 miles from here, will be fishing by 11am. There are a few boats fishing , all releasing 4-5 fish per day, with a sail or two each as well. My mate Capt Jim Dalling fought a black about 600lb on a 12 lb spinning rod for about 20 minutes yesterday.!!! Will be in Townsville Thursday night, and have some time open next week.