November 3 2006

Well, I dont know where to begin!!! Other than the delay for the update can be blamed on Telstras absolutely crappy service!!
Last report was Kens first day with a real nice one up on Hicks Reef of 1050 lbs !!!! His week got even better!!! Next day we went back to the same area and did not see a fish, so back to No: 10 Ribbon on day 3 were we fished Heartbreak and let a really nice one go at 1200 lbs!! our second grander in 3 days, and our 5th bite in a row over 1000 lbs. This was Kens’ 5th grander, 3 in Madiera and 2 on TRADITION. Day 4 we had a little one fall off, to keep our big fish record in tack!!! Late starts on the Bali Hai, gave us a bit of time to get some chores done each morning, and Benny and I even went to the top of Cooks Look on Lizard Island for a great view.
With the bite on, I have a note in my diary saying that “this could be the greatest day in history on the reef!!!” The last few days nearly ever boat was encountering BIG fish. Our turn was to come!!! TRADITION went back to the same area and again came home with the results, we tagged an 1100 lber for Ken, his 3rd of the trip over 1000 lbs, and also tagged a 250 lb fish at the end of the day out of 5 bites and 4 on. What a big night on the Bali Hai. Last day of Kens trip we tagged a 300 and 550 lb hot fish, to finish his 6 days with 3 over 1000 lbs, and 3 other fish. The boys did an exceptional job as usual, getting some of the biggest jumps and hardest pulls on the wire. The weather was crap, so the pit was nearly always full off water fighting these big fish.
This last 7 days our good friend Greg was back with his family out of the Lodge at Lizard Island. They had lots of guests with them so we were put to the test to catch lots of fish!!! Day 1 we did squat!!! Did not even see a fish, biut at least it was getting flatter. Next day we fished /Heartbreak and had 6 bites, 5 after 5pm, and broke the swivel on one about 900 lbs, not a good start to the trip!! But it was 5 knots, so who is complaining.
Things got better for us the next day, with 5 bites and 3 tags on a 400, 800, and really hot 900 lb fish. The 800 came from a double header, it was a sneak attack on the scad that no one saw!! We were all watching this beast try to eat the scaley and were winding up the scad when it came tight. I was ready to call the boys to cut it off when the big fish did not come tight. Probably a good thing as it turned into an 800 lber!!!. The one we missed was the biggest fish we have seen all season, and the damn thing didnt come tight!!!! Next day we got a nice 700 lber for one of Gregs guests and in about 10 minutes, so she was pretty hot on the wire!!! Followed that with a couple of 400’s the next day and everyone was pretty stoked!!!. Day 6 we got only one bite, but it was the right one , a really hot fish of 900 lb that had us tearing all over the ocean, and giving Glenn a really hard time with huge jumps on the wire. Today was our last day with Greg, and we fought a real big fish in the morning for about 15 minutes before the hook fell out!!! bummer.
So we finished Gregs trip with 7 fish in 7 days, half of which were all nice big fish!!!
Off to Cooktown tomorrow, and then start our next trip on sunday morning.