Oct 22 2009

The run of incredible weather is about to end, and although it has been nice, it might make the fish want to eat properly and not just stuff around with the baits. The fishing for us has been really consistant, with 2-4 fish seen a day, whilst our catching has not been as good. Meanwhile the rest of the fleet is experiencing the same sort of thing, with a couple of boats catching one, and the others waiting their turn.
Down on Linden Bank the Reel Chase tagged the second GRANDER of the season for John Faulkner from www.TowCam.com.au which I use EVERY day of the season, if the baits are in the water, the camera is too, and we have seen fish we otherwsie wouldnt have and have got some great footage. I have a screen in the tower to watch the swim bait on, and can see the fish pop up behind the bait , which gives us advanced warning over seeing them from the tower itself. And the guests can watch it all live on the salon tv as well – pretty exciting to see.
The day you got the last report, was a great day for Dan, who is joining Ken again this year, but also his 60th birthday is this week, we had a late bite on the fresh scad and tagged a nice 550-600 lb fish for Dan, his first good one!!! The next couple of days we fished up on Day and Hicks Reefs, and saw free feeding marlin, lots of bait and although marking the fish, could not get a bite from a good one. Missed a few smaller ones and that was about it, other than getting Ken his first good GT, about 30 lb with a great bite right next to the boat!!. Taking advantage of the calm conditions we also enjoyed some great swims.
On Friday I wandered out wide of No:10 for the morning and the conditions looked awesome, schools of skipjack, and marked a few schools of tunas down really deep. On the way back to Heartbreak I marked a fish, up she came and Dan got his birthday fish, a nice one about 300 that gave him a good pull. Baits back out and an hour later marked a fish down 160 feet, and not even 10 seconds and there she is on the camera, racing up from the deep and all over the queeny, but no bite. The next few days the wind came up, and peaked yesterday (monday) with a solid 20-30 knots, and the fish were making themselves known, nad we were seeing 4-6 fish a day and getting bites and managing to stay tight to a couple. Saw a few good ones the last few days but couldnt keep the hooks in them. Bait fishing continued to be great for GT’s on the Laser Pros, with Dan – now GT Dan catching a bunch up to 50 lbs, giant cudas and all sorts of things.
The fish are all up and down the reef now, with big ones being seen each day, so hopefully our run of fishing and not catching will turn around. The wind is set to keep up 20 knots plus for the next week, so fishing will be great, but a bit rough.
Still have Oct 24-Nov 6 open, jump on a plane and come fish, our turn with the BIG girls is coming.