Sept 29 2008

No: 3 Ribbon Reef
Finished up wth David and John on Friday, after 2 days of windy conditions and a couple of small fish that jumped off at the back of the boat while fishing Spur, Onyx and the bottom of Linden Bank. The boys also managed a really nice yellowfin tuna each the last 2 days.
There has been a good bite at the Bank, with 1-4 fish per boat the last few days, but mostly small ones so far caught. Up to 800lbs, with a few bigger ones cruising around.
We left Cairns yesterday and ran up to Opal Reef to drop off some parts for Calypso, then bait fished up St Crispins where we topped up on big baits.
We spent the afternoon fishing downsea and tagged a couple of 300 lbers at Lene Reef, and ended up anchored at No: 3 for the night with Kekoa and Viking II.
Heading up to Lizard Island for the night to meet up with the Atlantic Princess for a few days mothershipping with clients.
Still have the opening after the Lizard Island Comp- Oct 12-24 inclusive. Either with or without the mothership for that period.
The bite in the middle Ribbons has been really consistent, with the few boats that are there catching at least 1 a day, as are the boats fishing No: 10 Ribbon off Lizard Island.
Will be fishing No:10 this afternoon.