July 10 2010

Has it really been 6 weeks since the last update? Wow time flys by when your busy!!.
TRADITION has been back in the water for a few weeks and I have been busy getting the riggers and hardware back on, the varnish on the toe rail going and sanding the new deck for the first time.
It really is incredible how a great paintjob can make a 10 year old boat look brand new.
I special thanks to all those great guys and companies that helped out, and of you need any work on your boat, let me know and I can help take care of your boat as well.
Marty Comer for help with the scupper box, deck, rubbish bin box, and some other jobs inside the boat. He is a great carpenter and craftsman.
Gold Coast City Marina for the great deal on the big refit shed, thanks Ryan!!
And of course Dean and George at SprayTime Marine, an awesome job as expected, and delivered on stime and on budget.
Heres some more pictures of the finished job, and dont hesitate to contact me if you are interested in any of the trips we have planned for this season. Check out thehttp://www.traditioncharters.com/contact.php page for dates and more information.
Capt Tim Richardson