July 8 2009

Hi everyone, well it has been an incredible month or so since I last updated !!! No fishing reports for me, but the southern bluefin showed up on the south coast of NSW with a lot of fish over 200 lbs, and the World Cup was won in Bermuda by the Wound Up with an 865 lb blue to take the money.
I spent 10 days in China with some of my fabulous clients who showed me the most incredible food, culture and long stone wall in the world !!!! If you every have a chance to go to China, take it, or make it a point to go, the country is so diverse and the Great Wall at Simitai where we went is just the most amazing thing in the world!!!! Thanks so much to my hosts !!!!!! Look forward to paying you back with a nice one on 50 lb in Oct for you both !!!!
TRADITION has just gone back in the water this morning after her annual hauling, and is ready to head north early August for another big season in Cairns. Chris and Brett are returning for the season, and both have been very busy fishing all over the world since Christmas.
Our heavy tackle season is almost full, but I do have a few nice slots in each month to fill, including the Lizard Island comp Oct 24-31 inclusive – let me know if you are interested. Also looking for someone to fish form the Gold Coast up to Mackay for about 7-10 days, leaving early August from the Gold Coast and planing on going out wide to fish for blues up to the Swains and then fish thru the Swains to Mackay.
September will see us in Cairns and Townsville for the light tackle small black marlin season, day and liveaboard trips available from Sept 1 onwards. Thats about all my news, so till next time, enjoy life!!!!