March 9 2010
Well the big refit is well under way, with the cockpit undergoing a major transformation, new rubbish bin and storage box under the ladder, new transom scupper box, and a new teak deck going in this week. The pace has been slowed by the incredible amount of rain we have had in SE Queensland the last few weeks, but the old deck is out, the base all faired and ready to lay the new planking which is sitting in the salon!!!!. As well as this, a few other little jobs have been completed to make life easier for me. And after I get back from Florida TRADITION goes in the paint shed for a full new paint job!!!!
Spoke to the boys this week, and both are busy fishing in Florida, the Bahamas and Mexico in the upcoming months, and this season Chris and Carl will be on the deck. Both enjoyed some good fishing at the end of last season and we all get along well, so should be lots of fun this year again.
I am off to Florida on the 19th March for about 5 weeks, so let me know if you are around so we can catch up, and if you are interested in talking about one of our many trips coming up in the next couple of years, then lets get togther.
This Cairns season is looking pretty busy again, but due to a cancellation I have Nov 3- 9 inclusive open, great tides and motherships or liveaboard are available. Also Nov 15 onwards is still tentative, and after the great fishing from last season, should be jumped on quickly.
September time is always great, and I am doing some deals for this part of the season.
I am planning an exciting trip on the way to Cairns this year, sometime during August. The destinations on this 10-day trip can include Wreck, Cato, Saumarez, Elusive and Bugatti Reef complexes. The plan is to get out to the Wreck or Cato and then jump from one to the next and spend a day or two at each one. Poppers and jigging for GT’s, more Wahoo than you have ever seen are around at this time of year, as well as billfish. Great anchorages are available, with incredible snorkelling and spearing – a great exploration trip.
The trip is limited to 4 places (based on you guys crewing for yourselves), AU$5,500 each for 10 days, leaving from Bundy and finishing in Hamilton Is or even Townsville, depending on what suits everyone. Contact Capt Tim for more info on 0427 758768 or
I am also adding the latest newsletter from Captain Greg Edwards who is setting up a resort/ fishing lodge in the fish rich waters of Tonga. I am available to run the Tonga boat for you there and cater a trip to your needs. Click here for the Vava’u newsletter February 2010.
The blue marlin are thick!!! With different times of year seeing varying size fish, so perfect for light tackle and fly fishing!!!!!
Last news for now is our trip to the South Pacific next year!!!
April to August 2011 sees TRADITION traveling and exploring the picturesque fishing, snorkelling, cruising and surfing of the South Pacific.
Trips include:
Brisbane to New Caledonia 4-5 days travelling there.
New Caledonia – 4-10 days trips exploring one of the the pearls of the South Pacific, Blue marlin, tunas, jigging, spearing, snorkeling and surfing some incredible places with no one else around. Great anchorages in all weather and the wonderful French influence of Noumea.
Up to Vanautu for Blues and more exploring, and the across to Cairns.
TRADITION is the perfect boat and team for this type of exploration and fun. 20 years for world travelling and a boat purpose built for long range multi day liveaboard charters.
Email Capt Tim for more info on any of these great trips, Look Forward ot hearing from you soon, and hope to see you all this year!!!