May 6 2009

Hello from sunny Florida!!!
The sun is out, but the wind is blowing, the dolphin fish bite is going off out of Jupiter and Palm Beach, yellowfin tuna are in numbers off West end and the bank, and word is the Giant Bluefin are starting to come thru past Bimini and Cay Cay as well. In numbers too !!!!
Been seeing lots of friends and finalised a few trips, which is always a good feeling!!!!.
Currently have a few great weeks left for the giant black marlin heavy tackle season.
As well as the trip up from the Gold Coast to Mackay out wide, to Lady Musgrave and thru the Swains into Mackay. could be 7-10 days of fun.
Let me know if you are interested, and if your in the US, call me on 772 215 7120 untill May 20.
Going to Charleston and Savanah middle/end of this week, then down swordfishing next week, or maybe the Dominican.
Capt Tim Richardson