Nov 30 2009

It is hot in Cairns!!! We are back in town for a few days, after fishing Greg for the last 10 days. I headed out to the middle Ribbons where there were some good numbers of bites, but the conversion rate was a bit average!!! Fish grabbing the bait again and dropping it right away for a few days, then we found a nice little bite one afternoon at No: 5 and managed to get 2 from 3 , with a 200 lber to start, then jumped off one about 300 lbs, and then had a great crash bite on the skipping tuna at about 5.30pm.
The fish came up and did one jump then just headed out to sea down deep. With the big circle hook firmly planted in the corner of her mouth Greg put lots of pressure on her, and with some good boat handling we got her up after 45 minutes, and just on dark she came up jumping!!!! Chris got a great pull and a huge going away jump. A really tough fish, Gregs longest fight in 4 trips and a really healthy fish about 800 was on her way to continue her life. A great day all around.
The rest of the week was lots of spearing, good meals and seeing a bunch of fish, but not getting many good bites. We jumped off a few and that was about all. The tuna aggregation has begun, and the body of fish is now east of Cairns, so hopefully we can get out there on our next 3 day trip starting Wednesday.
Meanwhile down at Fraser Island the blue marlin bite has been incredible, only a few boats fishing , and the best day so far has been 9 blues up to 600lbs in one day, and up to 22 bites in a day a few days ago, cant wait to get there on the 15th of Dec.
I am looking for a few anglers to fish Hamilton Island to Gold Coast with 4-5 days off Fraser. Leaving Hamo afternoon of the 13th and arrive Gold Coast night of the 20th. Let me know if you are interested.
Still in heavy tackle mode till the 13th of Dec, and after the rest of this week off Cairns, the following week we will be at Myrmidon Reef off Townsville. The boats that have fished thru there so far this past week have seen a bunch of fish and a few over 1000 as well, should be fun!!
This pic is from the last trip with Doc, how thick is that one!!!!