Oct 13 2009

Nice conditions has been the rule rather than the exception this season so far!!! The last few days has seen 20 knots of SE trade wind and the rest of the time has been 10 to 15 knots, a huge difference form the last couple of years. The good news is that the BIG fish are making an appearance and if you are in the right spot on the right day you can have an incredible day, otherwise you hear about it that night on the grapevine!!!
We finished up with Peter and Lydie on Sat night, and in the 8 days we had 14 bites, had a bunch on and tagged 3 on 50 lb tackle. Exciting fishing, and learnt a lot about using 50 lb, the main thing being how hard it is to set the hook compared with 130!!! But my guests had another awesome trip to the GBR, we had some great light tackle fishing, the spearing continued to be excellent and the food we ate was incredible- sweet chili mud crabs, lots of fresh coral trout and tuna sashimi, and some awesome steaks.
Started Sunday morning long term client Ken on the Bali Hai for the next 10 days, and ran back out to #2/3 Ribbon opening for a late start, where we had a few bites the day before. But all we managed to do was watch a couple get caught at the end of the bite period for the day. Meanwhile up on #10 Ribbon, Peter B Wright tagged the first GRANDER of the season and saw up to 10 fish tailing, and the previous day tagged 3 fish, including 2 big ones. So off we went, bait fishing up No:5 Ribbon for a few fresh scaleys, and the biggest coral trout i have ever caught on the troll, had to be 25-30 lbs at least. As well as a good eating size that made its way to the appertiser plate on the Bali Hai.
Fished #10 all day and marked at least a dozen fish, from the shallows out to the deep, and jumped off a small fish on the scad. With lots of fish showing up, perfect tides and good weather conditons, I am excited about the upcoming weeks of fishing.
Current open dates are:
Oct 24 – Nov 6 open, including the Lizard Island comp Oct 24-31 inclusive , 7 days of fishing- email me if you are interested.
Nov 29 – Dec 4 Cairns Heavy tackle with choice of motherships or liveaboard
Dec 7 – Dec 12 Cairns to Mackay heavy tackle via Myrmidon reef with choice of motherships or liveaboard
Dec 14 – Dec 23 Mackay to Gold Coast – head to Swains for a night, then out to Suamarez Reef for a night or two, then out to Wreck Reef and Cato Reefs if the weather is good, 10 day trip, fishing for big blues and blacks, jigging and poppers for GT’s, Wahoo, Coral Trout etc.limited to 4 places, AU$5500 each for 10 days, arrive Gold Coast night of Dec 23 at GCCM.