Oct 3 2008

Chugging into Cooktown this morning after a quick swim and leaving the boys on the mothership to head to Lizard Island to catch their flight home.
We had some pretty good wind, and as a result found a few fish, we fished No: 10 again on the 1st but did not see a fish all day, but yesterday with a change of plan we bait fished down to the top of No: 7 and on the second downsea tack got piled on by a real fun 350lb fish for Justin, and later in the day we had one follow the swim bait for 2 minutes on the towcam before eating the bait and we got a nice little one about 200 lbs for Simon.
After a great dinner on the Atlantic Princess we watch the footage from the day on the big screen.
Into Cooktown today, to pick up Peter, Lydie and Claire, and off to Lizard island tomorrow after a fish down No: 10, then the breifing for the annual Lizard Island tournament.