Oct 5 2009

We are on our 3rd trip of the season now, and after getting the marlin bites but not converting for the first week, we are back in the Groove.
We had the boys from Melbourne up, who enjoyed some great light tackle fishing, and we had some bites on the big rods but didnt stay on. A great few days and the boys are excited about the trip to WA in 2011.
Last few days we had some of my Gold Coast club members who used their free day on Tradition from the Club tournament auction (proceeds to Camp Quality) and fished with us for 4 days in full. Jack fought a decent fish for about 20 minutes before the hook pulled, and we raised fish each day and had some bites but couldnt get the job done!!!.
On the other hand the light tackle fishing continued to be good and the spearing was exceptional.
Saturday we started with Peter and Lydie, their 5th trip on TRADITION with flat seas and light winds. We ran to the top of No:7 Ribbon Reef and myself , Chris and Brett proceeded to put a hurting on the trout!!!! We each got one or two really good ones and off we wnet for the next big challenge. After Lydies exceptional effort in last years Lizard Island comp, she is back again , but this time we are fishing 50lb line for the womens record, a big challenge, but possible- needing 880 or better.
First day we had 2 bites and broke line after an hour on one about 500 lbs, got her about 50 feet from the boat a couple of times, but then she just dumped us straight down and popped the line after an hour.
Yesterday we had 5 bites or might have been 6, cant remember, and pulled a couple off, but managed after a feisty fight to tag a nice 400 lb fish on 50. A great effort and all the time learing more about the limits of what we can do.
Fishing up and down the Reef has been inporoving each day, and many big fish from 650 to 900 have been seen and tagged the last few days.
I have Oct 24-Nov 6 open, including the Lizard Island comp Oct 24-31 inclusive , 7 days of fishing- email me if you are interested.
Nov 11 – Nov 18 inclusive – Heavy tackle with choice of motherships or liveaboard
Nov 29 – Dec 4 Cairns Heavy tackle with choice of motherships or liveaboard
Dec 7 – Dec 12 Cairns to Mackay heavy tackle via Myrmidon reef with choice of motherships or liveaboard
Dec 14 – Dec 23 Mackay to Gold Coast – head to Swains for a night, then out to Suamarez Reef for a night or two, then out to Wreck Reef and Cato Reefs if the weather is good, 10 day trip, fishing for big blues and blacks, jigging and poppers for GT’s, Wahoo, Coral Trout etc.limited to 4 places, AU$5500 each for 10 days, arrive Gold Coast night of Dec 23 at GCCM.