Thursday Oct 9 2008

The fishing has been improving each day with 11 and 13 tags for the last 2 days.
We did not see one yesterday, but had a great swim and spear at No:1 Ribbon yesterday morning and the girls had a great time.
Brian Felton is leading the comp with 5 fish, mostly fishing up the top end of Day, Hicks and Jewell Reefs on a little Riviera. Brian helped build Tradition and has had a hand in all the engineering of Dick Wards boats.
Dan on Moana III went out real wide with the longliners for a couple of days and only had one bite, but what a bite it was, he was pulling lures and hooked and fought a giant BLUE marlin for 1 hour 40 minutes and pulled the hook on the leader with the fish just dogging at 20-30 feet, they never had a shot at it with the gaffs as she was too deep.
The Longliners have been having good shots, but the sharks and pilot whales have been destroying their catch, with one boat loosing 150 hooks from one shot to the sharks.
The wind is coming this afternoon, and will be here for a few days so we are all anticipating the fish to start showing up in numbers any day now!!!