August 23 2009

Mackay, Queensland.
Hi everyone, welcome to the start of another Black Marlin Season on the Great Barrier Reef !!!!!.
TRADITION has spent the last 10 days fishing from the Gold Coast, to Lady Musgrave Island and out into the Swains Reefs on the way to Mackay. Bait fishing was not as good as last year,due to the tides being really big, up to 12 foot range!!! Saw a few sails freejumping and about 30 humpback whales on their annual migration. Yesterday we were treated to a mother and calf swimming and slashing around the boat for about 5 minutes before they headed south on their way back to Antarctica.
Have a couple of days here to get the boat squared away and then off for our first charter of the season, light tackle fishing up to Cairns via Cape Bowling Green off Townsville, hopefully the little blacks make an appearance in the next few days.
Our heavy tackle season kicks off mid September thru to mid December and there are still some places available for heavy tackle charters during prime moon and tide phases.
Please call or email me if you are interested in some days. Chris and Brett are finishing some tournaments in the mid Atlantic area, and cant wait to get back to the big reef.
Lastly a not so good note, my great friend and old captain from the Everest days, Captain Danny Ford had a horrible fall while washing a boat in Florida a few days ago, and is recovering in St Mary’s in Palm Beach Florida, our thoughts and prayers are with you for a speedy recovery Danny !!!! Get better soon, bud, and see you early next year.
Thats all for now, more updates coming now that fishing is beginning.