Nov 3 2008
November 9, 2009//Comments Off on Nov 3 2008

We have just finshed a wonderful 7 days with Rich and Kelly, with the father daughter team having the whole GBR experience.
Mornings spent diving and spearing, bait fishing, a couple of great scuba dives at Opal Reef and some good fishing days thrown in as well.
Kelly caught a fish for her birthday, and Rich got a nice one about 650 lbs that put on a good show. As well as a 3 fish day.
There have been some incredible days if you are on the right boat, and we have had our shot at a giant fish that missed the bait completely.
Out again tomorrow for 3 days to Cairns and then 2 days back to Cooktown.
With this being a late season, we can fish well into Dec with good fishing this year.
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