Oct 19 2008

Lizard Island
Guess what? The wind is still blowing hard, solid 25-30 knots the last few days, with the 7 day forecast for the same. But the good news is that the fish have seemed to have returned after a few days on the quiet.
We joined the Atlantic Princess on Friday night after our first day without even seeing one of the season. Thursday we did some bait fishing, and Brett got a fun little black inside the reef while we had all the scad gear out, so it got plenty of line out on us!!!
Yesterday we bait fished to the bottom of No 10 Ribbon catching a bunch of perfect sized small scaleys, and then fished downsea all day. We saw 3 fish, had 2 bites and released a nice little one for our guests from New Zealand.
Meanwhile also fishing downsea with us was Deano on the Castille, who went 2 for 4 including one about 700 at 2nd Corner on No: 10.
I have a great opening in a couple of weeks, NOV 4-9 inclusive that needs to be filled, come and join us. With the wind blowing for the next week at least , the big fish are showing up more and more each day so the next part of the season should be incredible.